Category Archives: Chin Augmentation

Male Chin Augmentation: Here Are Your Options

The social stigma surrounding male plastic surgery is slowly becoming a thing of the past, as more men opt to get cosmetic procedures like chin augmentation every year. This surgery is a fantastic way for men with weak, poorly defined, or recessed chins to achieve a bolder, more masculine appearance. Dr. Derrick Gale is an… Read More

Plastic Surgery Options for Patients With a Small or Recessed Chin

Your chin and jawline are some of your most distinguishable features. A strong, defined chin represents confidence, posture, and poise, whereas a small or unnoticeable chin leaves you lacking a facial frame or character. Your chin also plays a central role in harmonizing the rest of your face, bringing your nose and forehead into proportion…. Read More

Unhappy With Your Chin? There’s a Procedure for That!

While it’s one of the less common plastic surgeries in the U.S., chin augmentation is rapidly growing in popularity. With many Hollywood celebrities getting chin augmentation, including Aston Kutcher and Ashlee Simpson, people are becoming aware of the aesthetic benefits the procedure can have on the overall appearance of one’s face. So, if you look… Read More