
Eyelid Surgery Riverton, UT Blepharoplasty - Dr. Derrick Gale, ENT

Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is a safe and effective surgery that tightens droopy upper eyelids and reduces bagginess under the eyes. With skin tightened and fat removed, patients enjoy a more youthful, energized look. Results can last for up to 10 years or longer with the skin aging from its new restoration point.

As sagging eyelids impair both the functionality and aesthetics of the eyes, it’s critical to use a facial plastic surgery specialist who has addressed the eye area in patients of all ages and ethnicities.

Dr. Derrick Gale is a specialized facial reconstructive and plastic surgeon. A unique combination of aesthetic sense and technical surgical skill will provide you with the best cosmetic and functional outcomes for your eyes.

Dr. Gale actively contributes not only to the community by treating his patients, but also the medical industry by publishing research and participating in national presentations. Whether your eyelid concerns are functional, aesthetic, or both, board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Gale at the Ear Nose and Throat Center of Utah will restore and refresh your appearance, so you look as good as you feel.

Dr. Gale Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery Utah

This page gives a thorough background on blepharoplasty in Riverton and Salt Lake City. If you have any specific questions that are not answered here or wish to make an inquiry, please contact us on 801-506-6344 or visit us online

Meet Dr. Derrick Gale, MD

Customized Consultations, Individualized Results

With a focus on improving both form and function, Dr. Gale applies experienced aesthetic judgment and surgical expertise to achieve each patient’s individual cosmetic and functional goals. While delivering the highest level of care and expertise, Dr. Gale and his team maintain a down-to-earth and comfortable atmosphere to put you at ease. 

What is Blepharoplasty?

Eyelid surgery is a plastic surgery procedure that modifies the skin and tissues surrounding the eyes, corrects abnormalities, or improves the aesthetics of the eyelids. Eyelid Surgery is a delicate procedure involving the surgical removal of excess skin and fatty tissue around the eyes and eyelids. By doing so, impaired vision can be improved, along with restoring a refreshed, youthful appearance.

What can Blepharoplasty treat?

Eyelid surgery can address most cosmetic issues associated with the eyes, including; 

  • Loose, excess skin that results in folding of the upper eyelid
  • Fat tissue that create puffiness in the eyelids
  • Drooping lower eyelids that expose the whites of the eyeball
  • Fine lines and wrinkles of the lower eyelid
  • Bags under the eyes

In some cases, droopy eyelids can be caused by a weak brow. If this is the case, occasionally injectables or more frequently a brow lift can be an effective solution to the problem.

What Will My Eyelid Surgery Procedure Include?

During your eyelid surgery consultation, Dr. Gale’s goal is to clearly communicate what to expect from the procedure and understand your desired results.

Leading up to your blepharoplasty, you should eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, and prepare your house and schedule for the post-surgery recovery. 

On the day of the procedure, you will need someone to drive you to the clinic. Before the procedure, Dr. Gale will be sure to address any last-minute questions and ensure you are completely at ease.

Dr. Gale will remove the necessary skin and fat tissue from your eye region. By expertly placing the incisions in natural skin folds, close to the eyelashes, or under the lower eyelids, he can conceal scars and ensure optimal healing.

Immediately following the surgery, you will be monitored in a recovery room for a short period to ensure there are no complications. After this, a friend or family member can drive you home. 

As you recover from the procedure, you may temporarily experience some of the following; 

  • Watery eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Blurred or double vision (this is from lubricating ointment used to protect your eyes)
  • Puffy or numb eyelids
  • Symptoms similar to having a black eye

Improving Form & Function

Trust Dr. Derrick Gale to help you achieve your goals, whether they are aesthetic, reconstructive or both. View our before and after gallery to see the surgical skill and technical mastery of one of Utah’s leading facial plastic and reconstructive surgeons.  

What will the Recovery Process Be Like?

Recovering from Utah eyelid surgery should be a time of rest and ‘you time.’ It generally takes one week of proper relaxation, followed by a second week of reduced activity for the bruising and swelling to entirely subside. Scars will fade over a few months. To ensure you have a non-eventful recovery, you should follow these guidelines. 

  • The night following the surgery, apply ice packs for ten minutes on the hour. The next day, use ice packs for ten minutes every two hours. 
  • Sleep with your head elevated higher than your chest for the week following surgery, encouraging proper blood flow and minimizing swelling.
  • Do not wear contact lenses until the incisions have healed – usually two weeks after the procedure. Your glasses will come in handy.
  • Wear tinted, polarized sunglasses that fully cover your eyes and surrounding skin from sunlight and wind.
  • Clean your eyelids gently using the prescribed medication.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and submerging your face in water for two weeks after the procedure.

Eyelid Surgery Salt Lake City, Utah, FAQs

If you are in good general health, don’t have a severe eye condition, and are a nonsmoker, you are a suitable candidate for blepharoplasty. 

In some extreme cases, complications can include impaired vision, muscle damage, inability to close the eyes, and dry eyes. When performed by a trained and experienced surgeon, however, the risks are minimal.

Upper eyelid surgery takes about forty-five minutes. If you combine both upper and lower blepharoplasty, expect the surgery to last an hour and a half.

Many patients opt for blepharoplasty to be done in conjunction with another wrinkle-reducing procedure, such as a brow lift, or full facelift. You can consult with Dr. Gale as to how to best achieve the results you desire.

Ideally, blepharoplasty is a single surgery. In some cases, revision surgery may be necessary in the unlikely event you are not satisfied with the results.

The cost of eyelid surgery in Salt Lake City and Riverton depends on a variety of factors, including the scope of the operation and the time it takes to perform the procedure. Our team will provide you with a quote once you have met with Dr. Gale in a consultation. 

For a more rejuvenated and youthful look, patients often pair eyelid surgery with other surgical or non-surgical facial procedures, including a facelift, dermal fillers, Botox, or laser resurfacing. Be sure to let Dr. Gale know if you are interested in multiple procedures. 

Eyelid surgery can resolve most cosmetic problems with the eyes, including:

  • Loose skin
  • Undereye circles
  • Puffy eyes
  • Bulging eyelid skin
  • Overhanging upper lids and vision obstruction
  • Tired, aging appearance

Scarring should be minimal. Dr. Gale performs his incisions in the eyelid creases or beneath the lashes, allowing the scarring to be discreet if not hidden completely.

  • You will talk with a preoperative nurse once you’re settled into the pre-op room.
  • The nurse will perform a brief physical exam and ensure all needed tests are complete.
  • The nurse can answer any last-minute questions you may have.
  • You will remove all jewelry and clothing and dress in a hospital gown. (You may want to leave expensive jewelry at home).
  • You will receive blankets for modesty and warmth.
  • You will talk with your anesthesiologist about your medical history and the anesthesia you will receive.
  • Your nurse will start you with an IV.
  • The anesthesiologist will start your anesthesia.
  • You will receive a tube placed in your windpipe to control your breathing during general anesthesia. You will not feel any of this or the surgery as it happens.
  • The surgical team will monitor your vital signs and other critical body functions.
  • You will awaken in a recovery room where you will be observed until ready to be released.

Recovery from blepharoplasty is a gradual process. The time varies depending on incisions, age, general health, and other factors.

You will likely experience swelling and bruising around your eyes after surgery. Bruising should lessen within ten days. Swelling will decrease over the following months. Scarring will take at least six months to fade.

Most scarring is caused by tension around the incision. These wounds will heal well and should be primarily inconspicuous. You will be evaluated to assess if you are a good candidate for the surgery with your history of bad scarring taken into consideration.

Dr. Gale always encourages his patient to participate in the surgical plan. However, there are limitations with incision location that he will discuss with you during your consultation. In the end, he wants to ensure the best approach is followed for your safety and achieving optimal results.

Yes. If your cosmetic concern is with only one eye, blepharoplasty can address the eye on one side to match the other eye. However, this is a rare occurrence, and most likely, both eyes will need addressing.

The excess skin and fat Dr. Gale removes will not return. However, like all cosmetic surgeries, blepharoplasty does not stop the natural aging process. Think of the surgery of a reset to youthful eyes. The aging process will continue from the results you achieve.  

There are two techniques for blepharoplasty: upper eyelid surgery and lower eyelid surgery. The upper blepharoplasty can be performed under a local anesthetic. First, Dr. Gale will mark the creases where the incisions will be performed. Next, a particular instrument will measure the amount of excess skin. Then, he will anesthetize the eyes and remove the excess tissue.

Lower lids are more likely performed under a general anesthetic. The creases are marked, and excess tissue is removed. In addition, there may be some fat repositioned to improve tear trough contours.

No. You will need to have a responsible adult accompany you to the surgery center and drive you home. You will be under the influence of anesthesia or medication and in no shape to drive.

You should be able to enjoy your youthful appearance within a week or two. Most people will not recognize you had surgery. Just comment on how great you look.

As with all surgeries, you should expect there to be some swelling and bruising after eyelid surgery. For upper eyelid lifts, there is minimal bruising and swelling. For the lower lids, there is more puffiness and a little bruising below the eyes.

Patients who do not suffer from dry eye before surgery should not notice any difference after surgery. However, the operation may cause the gland that makes tears to decrease production for three months. As a result, patients with pre-existing dry eyes will need to use their eye drops more frequently.

Eyelid surgery is a procedure to enhance eye appearance by removing excess skin and bulging fat that develops with age.

This depends on the cause of your visual obstruction or cosmetic concern. Upper eyelid surgery is for patients who have excessive skin isolated to the upper eyelids. A brow lift is for those with drooping eyebrows who have already had upper eyelid surgery or do not have excessive upper eyelid skin. A Brow Lift is also for those with cosmetic concerns regarding lowering or drooping brows.

There is no age limit; however, as we age, the upper eyelid skin tends to stretch like all other skin, as is thus typically done for parents who have had time to accumulate upper eyelid skin.

Yes, if a patient has excess skin that is obstructing their peripheral vision.

The incisions made during an upper lid blepharoplasty are placed along the natural crease of your eyelid and are usually not visible.

With every type of surgery, there are complications and side effects. With eyelid surgery, the surgeon must be conscientious about bleeding, the technique used, and providing symmetric results.

We recommend you stay home to rest and recover for the first 1-2 weeks following surgery. During that time, you may be prescribed pain medication to help mitigate your discomfort, and we recommend that you do not drive or make any informed decisions while on this medication.

Depending on the amount of swelling, you will want to avoid exercise or other intense activity for 1-2 weeks following surgery.

1-2 weeks following surgery.

You can bathe immediately after eyelid surgery. We recommend waiting 48 hours before showering and recommend patients keep soap and other products away from the incision for the first two weeks.

It is typically best to use glasses for several days after surgery as the swelling goes down. If the patient doesn’t have any dry eye symptoms, they can resume wearing contacts.

The shape of your eyelids will not be altered. However, any excess skin or puffiness will be removed to resolve any heaviness to make your eyes look brighter, clearer, and younger.

Your facial appearance will not be drastically altered, and you will keep your unique look. But, that look will appear years younger, more alert, and beautiful.

The conventional method employs a sharp instrument like surgical scissors or scalpel to remove excess skin. The laser technique will use laser technology to remove excess tissue.

The advancements of laser technology allow Dr. Gale to reduce the risk of bruising after blepharoplasty.

Laser technology does come with some risks, including the need to take special precautions to prevent vision loss. This is why choosing a board-certified facial plastic surgeon is critical to ensure the laser does not inadvertently go too deep into the eye.

As far as pain, laser eyelid surgery offers minimal discomfort.

Think of having a slight sunburn along the incision lines after surgery. This should last only a day. Then, expect minimal discomfort and easy recovery.

The entire surgery from start to finish takes from an hour to an hour and a half, then another week of recovery. However, most patients are back to their regular schedule within a few days.

Eyelid surgery is quick and convenient and has a high satisfaction rate.  

The purpose of a pre-surgical consultation is to inform the patient what a procedure can and cannot do. Eyelid surgery addresses and lifts sagging eyelids and excess skin. It does not address a sagging brow, crow’s feet, or pigmentation issues under the eyes.

However, Dr. Gale does offer other procedures like Botox, laser skin resurfacing, and aesthetic services that can address these other issues. They can also be done concurrently with an eyelid lift.

An eyelid lift can address undereye bags. For dark circles, laser technology and aesthetic services can help as well.

Blepharoplasty in Riverton UT and Salt Lake City, UT

Blepharoplasty offers a long-lasting solution to wearied, aged eyes. Dr. Gale’s highly experienced and diverse team at the Ear Nose and Throat Centre of Utah constantly provides the highest levels of customer satisfaction and results.

Dr. Gale’s expertise as a reconstructive and plastic surgeon places him in a unique position to perform functional and aesthetic surgeries to the highest possible standard. His training makes him one of the best blepharoplasty surgeons in Utah. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at 801-506-6344 or visit us online to arrange your consultation.