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Traditional Facelift vs. Non-Invasive Facelift

With over 230,000 procedures performed each year, the facelift is among the top 5 cosmetic treatments in the U.S.

From smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles to establishing better definition of facial features, a facelift helps patients look and feel younger, more energetic, and more vibrant.

Traditionally, a surgical facelift has been the only available choice, in which patients undergo an operation to achieve the results they desire. While traditional facelifts provide stunning results and are considered the gold standard of facial rejuvenation, some patients want results without surgery, which is where a non-invasive facelift can help.

In this article, Dr. Derrick Gale discusses the pros and cons of traditional and non-invasive facelifts.

Traditional Facelift

A traditional facelift is a surgical operation conducted under general anesthesia.

During the procedure, Dr. Gale makes strategic incisions around the hairline and ears, through which the skin of the face is gently stretched, and excess skin is excised. The remaining tissue is then reattached using micro sutures, creating a smooth, wrinkle-free look.

The treatment focuses on the mid and lower face, helping to reestablish cheekbone definition and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles underneath the eyes, nose, cheeks, and lips.

The results from the procedure deliver exceptionally high levels of patient satisfaction. However, patients must be aware of the extended recovery phase following the procedure, where the incisions heal, and the new position of the skin settles.

This phase can take up to two months to fully resolve, and patients should take this into account. For patients looking for faster results with less recovery, a non-invasive facelift might be a more suitable option.

Non-Invasive Facelift

A non-invasive facelift, also known as a liquid facelift, involves the strategic and artistic injection of dermal fillers and Botox to specific areas of the face.

Dermal fillers are designed to volumize the skin, thereby smoothing out lines and adding definition. Botox is a neuromodulator that causes temporary local paralysis of muscles that causes deep wrinkles, thereby temporarily removing those wrinkles.

While dermal fillers and Botox can be used in isolation to treat only certain parts of the face, a non-invasive facelift is a comprehensive combination of both injectable products, aiming to provide similar results to a traditional facelift without the surgery and lengthy recovery.

Patients get great satisfaction from a liquid facelift because of the definition and smoothness the procedure offers without downtime. One consideration, however, is the temporary nature of results. Generally, results last between four to six months for most patients.

Choosing Your Facelift Procedures in Riverton, UT

Picking the proper facelift procedure depends entirely on your personal situation and desired results.

For those who are looking for permanent changes and have the time to spare for recovery, a traditional facelift might prove to be the right choice, but for others looking to get faster results and who don’t mind short bi-annual touchups to maintain their results, then a non-invasive facelift might be the way to go. The best way to choose the correct procedure for you is to discuss your options with Dr. Gale, an industry-leading, highly experienced facial reconstructive and plastic surgeon. Call (801) 506-6344 or fill out our online form today to start your consultation process.