Category Archives: Facial

5 Benefits of Facials for Men

Facials, or facial skin treatments, carry an array of aesthetic and health benefits for our skin. Some of these benefits are more highly pronounced in men’s skin, which is what Dr. Gale wants to discuss in this article. Here, Dr. Gale outlines 5 benefits of facials for men. Soothes Skin After Shaving Regular shaving can… Read More

After Facial Reconstructive Surgery: Now What?

Facial reconstructive procedures offer the opportunity to reverse signs of trauma and congenital disabilities. But while the results from facial reconstructive surgery are life-changing, some patients desire further changes to their facial features to help fully recover from a traumatic experience and feel their absolute best. What are some typical facial reconstructive surgeries and follow-up… Read More

Learn About Our Different Types of Facials: Which One Is Right For You?

Children, home life, and your career fill up your schedule, leaving you with little time for yourself. Getting a facial may feel like something you need to get to, but with your busy schedule, it quickly falls off your to-do list. However, there comes a time when you simply must find an hour or two… Read More