Sleeping with your partner can be one of the greatest pleasures in life. Sharing a bed is an act of intimacy and trust and can help you start your day off on the right foot. However, more and more couples are deciding to spend the night in different beds these days, and one of the main reasons why this happens is loud snoring.
Your non-stop, loud snoring can turn the dream of sharing your bed with your loved one into an absolute nightmare. For some people, enjoying a restful night of sleep is simply impossible when the person next to them is constantly snoring. And this is no surprise, as sleep deprivation can have many consequences on their everyday life and overall health, including:
Daytime sleepiness: being constantly tired affects your decision-making and ability to focus, affecting your work performance and becoming less likely to engage in your everyday routine.
Mood swings: people who don’t get enough sleep tend to be more irritated and moody, which has a negative impact on their interpersonal relationships. Long-term sleep deprivation can even lead to anxiety or depression.
Worsened memory: during sleep, your brain processes the information received during the day and makes new connections to retain it in your memory. Lack of sleep affects both your long-term and short-term memory.
Higher risk of accidents: tiredness affects your reflexes and alertness, making you more prone to be involved in domestic or car accidents.
Weakened immune system: too little sleep weakens the defense cells that protect you from viruses and bacteria. As a result, people that don’t get enough sleep are more likely to get sick.
Risks of heart conditions: people that sleep less than 5 hours a day have a tendency to suffer from high blood pressure and chronic inflammation, two crucial factors that can contribute to heart disease.
Weight gain: if you don’t rest enough overnight, the chemical signs your brain sends when you are full don’t work properly, making you feel hungry even when you have already eaten enough.
Why Do I Snore When I Sleep?
When you sleep, your body muscles relax, and when the air flows past the relaxed tissues of your upper airway, it causes the vibration of the tissues. Snoring is normal in patients with a narrow airway and is a typical sign of a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea.
Besides interrupting your (and your partner’s) night’s rest, sleep apnea can have detrimental effects on overall health, as it has been linked to systemic conditions like diabetes, metabolic disorders, and heart problems. That’s why we advise patients that frequently snore to make a consultation with a medical professional. Different treatments are available to treat this sleep disorder and break yourself from this annoying habit for good.
Sleep Doctor in Salt Lake City & Riverton, UT
Sleep disorders are shared among couples, so if you snore and want to maintain your and your partner’s health, we advise you to schedule a consult with a medical professional to get an accurate diagnosis of your condition. Dr. Gale’s specialized training makes him an ideal choice to discuss any concerns you may have about your disruptive sleep disorders.